Friday Sep 10 Day 100
So far I have discovered 2 things today (hopefully there will be more). The first is a physical something. There is mildew on my leather insulin case. I thought I saw some on the nylon case I use for my blood sugar testing kit but was not sure. I am now sure. The second is a more ephemeral observation. There is a noticeable difference between 59 degrees and 61 degrees. I am cold at 59 but by the time it reaches 61 it is warm enough to take a shower.
Morning Weather report: there are high clouds with a couple of very small, transient patches of blue. If the clouds do not settle down on top of the our mountain, there is the possibility for taping my first sunset. However, it is still very early in the day.
I have just opened the door and the first smell that hits you in the face is DAMP CLOTH. I keep looking for mildew in my clothes but none so far.
I have finally gotten the shower to work correctly. The shower head is rather badly plugged and sprays very irregularly over the body. With is being so plugged the shower last much longer. I will not have to suffer through 3 minute showers but a more leisurely 5 to 6 minute shower. The ambient temperature in the bathroom before the shower was 61 degrees. After 7 minutes of hot water the temperature was raised to 65 degrees, a much more civilized level. I am now warm and cozy in my 61 degree living room.
My hopes are again shattered. The clouds have again enveloped the hillside and there is no sunset to observe, it just gets dark. Tomorrow is another day. I guess I spoke too soon. It is now 7 pm and the heavens have opened up and unleashed a deluge. Thunder, lightning and a heavy rain to celebrate the close of the day
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