Thursday Sep 2 Day 92
I actually slept until 5:30. The mattress on this bed is not cotton but filled with foam. The mattress does not have enough foam to be soft because it immediately flattens against the wooden plank underneath. The bed is a double bed with 2 single mattresses side by side. I have moved the 2nd mattress on top of the first and it feels softer. I shall find out tonight if it is softer than a rock.
In additions to moving the mattress I have unpacked all of the luggage. I did not do this last time and I was constantly digging in a suitcase for something. Nazan and I have rearranged the living room. There are only 2 power outlets that can be used to power my computers and charge up my multiple batteries. One of them is in the living room and the other in bedroom. We moved the table over near to the process outlet and there is plenty of light from the windows to work with all day. The living room power is for my computers and the bedroom will be used for charging.
I have just returned from the internet cafe. I looked at the trees on my walk and found many of them with ferns on the trunks and branches. I also saw new moss hanging from many of them. I will tape these when I get decent weather. The latest weather report is for rain through the next week. It is supposed to be raining here but what is coming down is Seattle Sunshine (a heavy mist that leaves everything wet). I am definitely living in the clouds. I find that my energy levels are low. It will take the next week for me to get better acclimatized.
Upon returning from the internet cafe I plugged in the power to my computer. The little light telling me that it was working did not light up. I had the same thing happen at the beginning of my first stay in India and Apple replaced the power unit because it became defective. The last time I was able to borrow a power unit from one the the staff members at Woodstock School. It looked like I was going to have to go down to the school and try to borrow another power unit. On my second day here I would not able to climb back up from Woodstock so I had visions of a major physical problem. After about a half an hour the hooked up the power unit began to work. I think I know what the problem is. Moisture!!! With the unit unplugged moisture would collect on the part of the power unit that plugs into the computer. The moisture would not allow a good connection. When the computer is in use it creates heat and the heat evidently dried out the plug and allowed the connection to be completed. I need some way to dry the plug. I have a rubber blower bulb that I use to get the dust off of my camera lens. Now when I get home from the internet cafe I shall have to dry the plug with a blast of air. I shall have to give the plug a “blow job”.
My observations on the lack of rain came too soon. After supper it began to pour. It only lasted for about 20 minutes but it was a real monsoon rain, only in a short spurt.
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