Sunday, November 14, 2010

163 Saturday Nov 13

Saturday Nov 13 Day 163

This morning Pol and I walked out of landour to the East. There a house there on the side facing to the east and you get great pictures of serried ranks of hills when the sky and light cooperates. Today was such a day. The hills were fairly clear and the best they have looked in the 5 and a half months I have been on the hillside. I left at 9 am and got back at 11:45 am. There was a note waiting for me to meet Vance George and Steve Alter for lunch at Mullingar at 11:30 am. Needless to say I did not go out for lunch.

This afternoon I went into the bazaar to get my beard trimmed. I went down to the barber shop near the clock tower and waited 1 and 1/2 hours for the man to return. I started back and found another barber who did the job for 47 cents. I will now be able to get on the plane to home because I do not look like a close friend of Osama bin Laden. On my way to the barber I was asked by an english speaking woman if I was a visitor to Landour. I gave my usual bit of being a Woodstock graduate etc. She asked me for my full name. she said I had 2 sisters and one of the was named Suzanne. She had worked at Woodstock for 24 years starting in the early 60’s in the various administration offices. What a delight to have a woman mention my youngest sisters name to me.

I got a lift of the hill from by Indian friend. I am selling my Canon digital camera to one of the brothers getting to know him fairly well. It was a real trip to speed up the hill with the wind in my face and hanging on for dear life. The cars and motor bikes pass within 2 to 3 inches of each other. This kind of bike riding is not for the faint of heart.

I got a short sunset this evening and it has turned cold. The breeze from the plains is no longer blowing up to the mountains. So it is still and colder. I just walked back home (5 minute walk) and my nose is dripping from the cold and my ears are red.

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About Me

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I have twin sons with 2 children each. I will miss them when in India. I have been a job gypsy all my life looking for new challenges constantly. I got bored quickly except when teaching. 3 years as a Middle School Music Teacher and 9 years as an Assistant Professor of Music. I played in a Country Western Band when I went back to college at 39 to get a degree in Accounting. I was a CPA that worked in various companies, the longest for 5 years and the shortest for 2 days. I spent most of my accounting life working as a Project Accountant where I would come in to solve a particular problem. I was rarely required to do a lot of the boring stuff for very long. With the passing of my wife and NO job to go to, I can now pursue my dreams in India.
