Monday April 12 Day 41
Today was a day for successes. When I got up this morning there was NO sunshine. This is only the second time this has happened since my arrival. It was semi cloudy all day and when the sun did shine there was a strange color to the light which made it wrong for tapping. I went down to Woodstock to get my AMEX card approved for use in India so that I may make a reservation for the train at the end to May. I got there and the lady indicated that she had forgotten to tell me who to get to the screen that allowed one to charge to a Visa card. I did not need to talk to AMEX and together we logged on to the the Indian Trains Internet Reservations site. As I started to type in my Visa card number a siren goes off. It is a Fire Drill for the entire school. 25 minutes later I am back at the computer and of course the site has logged me out. I subsequently got my reservation, paid for the ticket and printed up the e-ticket. I am ready to go!!! It has only taken 5 different times on the internet to succeed which included dodging the cars and busses as the entire population of Woodstock stood on the side of the main road. Organized they are not!
Now for my other success. I went into the bazar and had my memories document printed up. I had gone to the bottom of the Mullingar to accomplish this. I walked the entire distance back up, 1 and 1/2 miles, mostly uphill, without stopping once. I feel I am at last really in shape. I got to the top of the hill and was not huffing and puffing. A couple of minutes of rest at home and I was breathing normally.
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