Saturday, April 3, 2010

Thursday April 1 Day 30

Thursday April 1 Day 30

I have been in India for a month today. This morning I headed to the internet cafe to activate my ATM card. No luck. I was informed that I needed to call Portland about the card giving me a toll free number. I went down the hill to Woodstock to attend the choir rehearsal. The school is on Quarter Break. This was happening last year when Judy and I were up to see the school. It is closed from Friday noon through Monday evening. Needless to say, I did not attend the rehearsal because all the kids were gone. I took the opportunity to go to the Development Office where I had used the phone before. There was a hold on the card and I was transferred to Fraud Prevention. The man on the phone asked if I was in India and using the ATM card to get money. I answered in the affirmative and he released the hold on the card. Evidently that was why I was unable to use the card for the past week and a half. I shall find out on Saturday if it really works. Keep your fingers crossed.

The wind last night knocked many more blossoms off the rhoddies. I went out and taped them adding one more snippet of images to my rhododendron tape.

I spent much of the morning after my return from the internet cafe on logging the tape I have shot so far. It is slow and tedious but getting easier as I learn new tricks on controlling the equipment.

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About Me

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I have twin sons with 2 children each. I will miss them when in India. I have been a job gypsy all my life looking for new challenges constantly. I got bored quickly except when teaching. 3 years as a Middle School Music Teacher and 9 years as an Assistant Professor of Music. I played in a Country Western Band when I went back to college at 39 to get a degree in Accounting. I was a CPA that worked in various companies, the longest for 5 years and the shortest for 2 days. I spent most of my accounting life working as a Project Accountant where I would come in to solve a particular problem. I was rarely required to do a lot of the boring stuff for very long. With the passing of my wife and NO job to go to, I can now pursue my dreams in India.
