Saturday April 33 Day 53
Yesterdays success is today’s failure. When operating a video camera you poke a button to start recording and you have to poke the same button agin to stop recording. Yesterday I forgot to stop the recording and ended up recording the moving of the camera and the setting up of the shot. When I got ready to take the shot I poked the record button. This promptly turned OFF the recording and I did not get the shot. I got some excellent shots of men walking up a steep section of hill, a woman and her child coming down the steep hill, a group of milkmen and school boys going up the same hill, but NO shot of the road. Needless to say I am very disappointed. I shall now have to go back and re-record those shots. I did the same thing on the Mullingar Hill and will have to reshoot. This entails a rather long climb back up the hill after shooting with my full load of equipment. That is the hard part.
Today the clouds are moving in so NO shooting. I cannot reshoot the Mullingar Hill because it is the weekend and the traffic on the Hill is very heavy. That will be a Monday or Tuesday afternoon shoot, depending on the sky and our overly friendly clouds.
I have not felt well today and while resting I suddenly thought about how to better preserve my health. Most of my problems are from the expenditure of energy to climb back up the hill after finishing my various shooting expeditions. If I were to take a taxi back up the hill many of the problems of low blood sugars would be non existent. Taxis will come and get me take me home with a call on a cell phone. So, this afternoon I shall look into the costs of a cell phone and what I can expect a taxi to cost getting me up the hill. I shall let you know the results of my investigation on the morrow.
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