Wednesday, November 24, 2010

172 Tuesday Nov 23

Tuesday Nov 23 Day 172

Boy! did I have a bad night last night. I got very confused during the night and my blood sugars are pretty low this morning. I ended up with blankets on the floor and when retrieved were all mixed up. A few words about sleeping at 7,200 feet in the mountains of India in late November. It is cold at night but the temperature in my room stays the same day and night. It is currently a steady 50 degrees. During most of my stay I sleep in a long sleeved T-shirt and a pair of long johns (insulated long underwear). About 3 weeks ago I added an additional pair of pants to give my legs more padding. The last two nights I have added a long sleeved light fleece pullover to gave added warmth to my upper body. I now 3 layers of clothing while sleeping at night. I have been very comfortable warmth wise. I look a bit like a skinny Michelin Man or Pillsbury dough boy.

My disorientation has continued into today so I will not be walking through the bazaar with my Glidecam. I am having trouble walking straight without hanging 10 pounds of equipment off my chest. Hopefully, tonight I will not have joyously confused night.

I am reading Mark Twins “Innocents Abroad” and I can relate well to some of his observations. The book is on my Sony Reader so I shall be able to take it home with me and finish it there.

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About Me

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I have twin sons with 2 children each. I will miss them when in India. I have been a job gypsy all my life looking for new challenges constantly. I got bored quickly except when teaching. 3 years as a Middle School Music Teacher and 9 years as an Assistant Professor of Music. I played in a Country Western Band when I went back to college at 39 to get a degree in Accounting. I was a CPA that worked in various companies, the longest for 5 years and the shortest for 2 days. I spent most of my accounting life working as a Project Accountant where I would come in to solve a particular problem. I was rarely required to do a lot of the boring stuff for very long. With the passing of my wife and NO job to go to, I can now pursue my dreams in India.
