Saturday March 27 Day 25
I had insulin problems early this morning and was up at 3:30 am. After 2 oranges and a banana things were in good shape. I was doing my early morning thinking time and wrestling with the problem of using my Glidecam to do a “walk by “ of Ridgewood, the elementary boys dormitory. This would involve walking down the length of Ridgewood side ways. That could lead to the great possibility of tripping myself as I tried to walk smoothly. I suddenly thought that if I turned the camera side ways on the Glidecam post it would be easy. That would depend on whether I can see the monitor, and I would not be able to. I thought maybe the little LCD screen could be turned to accomplish this. Upon getting up I grabbed the camera and sure enough the LCD screen will rotate completely around and become a monitor on the side of the camera. While looking directly at the monitor you could walk straight ahead and get the “walk by” effect. Now all I had to do was reconfigure my Glidecam. I needed to get all new bolts and nuts because I would be removing about 4 pounds of weights from the top of the Glidecam post. The other problem was the threads of the camera quick release mechanism. I know India is on the metric system and all my bolts threads are on the US non metric system. I head down to the bazar and find a paint store that also has some nuts and bolts. I get the 4 I need and then get out the quick release base plate and check to see if the threads will match. They DO!!! Evidently India still uses the old British non metric screw threads. I had visions of having to send Terry an email and have him mail me a single screw. The total cost of 5 bolts and 4 nuts was 7 rupees or 16 cents. I have spent much of the afternoon trying to balance the Glidecam post and I may be close. The camera looks to the side as I walk straight ahead. What one must do to get a single shot. I can use this for “walk around” shots of many of the buildings on the Woodstock campus.
I continued on down the hill to the ATM machine and it will not accept my Debit card as yet. I think it is still digesting my last withdrawal, I hope. I will try again on Monday with my card expiring on Wednesday and I still need to get more money out.
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