Monday, October 11, 2010

129 Saturday Oct 9

Saturday Oct 9 Day 129

A major tragedy has occurred. My Ipod has died. At least I finished the book I was listening to so I got the whole story. Now I am going to be without entertainment while I walk around the hillside which I frequently do for hours each day. I took the little machine to my friend at the Internet cafe and he turned it on. The Ipod had been frozen until the young man picked it up. When I got it home I discovered that half of the memory is not working but I can live with that.

The taping this afternoon of the roads around the top of the hillside were a great success. I am getting better control of the Glidecam but the roads are still very uneven and cause the camera to bounce a bit. The roads around the chukkar were hand built and not leveled out. It is too steep to get the paving equipment using asphalt up to the top of the hill. The other roads used by car, trucks and buses are not so steep and the paving equipment was used. I tested using a tripod to hold the camera on one of these roads and it is still to jittery, so I shall have to use the Glidecam for all my taping. I have to hold the equipment at a awkward angle to fit it into the front seat of the van. This puts a strain on my back muscles and Pol (the young man who owns the car) suggested I should use a pillow to support my back. The back of the passenger seat is sloped back and welded into position. This allows Pol’s father to seat comfortably but forces me to lean forward to shoot. We shall see if the pillow works on Tuesday.

The weather is very boring, sunny with clouds in the afternoon. I need some rain to wash the air clear so I can take some of the long shots I want.

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About Me

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I have twin sons with 2 children each. I will miss them when in India. I have been a job gypsy all my life looking for new challenges constantly. I got bored quickly except when teaching. 3 years as a Middle School Music Teacher and 9 years as an Assistant Professor of Music. I played in a Country Western Band when I went back to college at 39 to get a degree in Accounting. I was a CPA that worked in various companies, the longest for 5 years and the shortest for 2 days. I spent most of my accounting life working as a Project Accountant where I would come in to solve a particular problem. I was rarely required to do a lot of the boring stuff for very long. With the passing of my wife and NO job to go to, I can now pursue my dreams in India.
