Saturday, May 8, 2010

Friday May 7 Day 66

Friday May 7 Day 66

Remember the opening lines of every story Snoopy, of Peanuts fame, started. “It was a dark and stormy night ....” Well this morning is a “Rather dark and loudly stormy morning...” The loudness is the constant rumble of thunder right overhead. The electricity has just gone out. I am using the lighted keyboard of my MacBook Pro sitting in a rather dark room. Though it is 8:30 am I need a flashlight to cross the room. It is so dark I can barely read my watch while standing next to the window. At the present time the clouds have lowered and are covering the mountain top where I live and it is raining steadily.

I most probably will not be out taping today but you never know. The clouds could move out and full sunshine return in the afternoon. I will let you know later.

My shooting is going very well when the clouds permit. I am going back over the trails I taped earlier because I have improved my camera operational skills. I have also changed the way I want to put the DVD together and I need more shots during the “dry” season. (Do not go outside and look UP right now, you might drown. This really is the dry season.)

What a day. It rained most of the morning. Since I could not tape I decided to put on my rain gear, top and pants, and head for the bazaar. I have not really worn this gear when it was actually raining and guess what. It quit raining shortly after i started out. I stopped at the bank to get some change. Most of the money I get from the ATM is in 500 rupee notes. I got 8 100 rupee notes and 20 10 rupee notes. Upon arriving in the bazaar I purchased a treat for myself and discovered that I could not find the 800 rupees ($18.33) in any of the strange, new to me pockets, in the rain gear. I stopped at the bank to see if it had fallen out in the bank, but no. I was almost home when I found that I was stepping on the bottom of the pant leg of my rain pants. I pulled it up and out fell 800 rupees. I had evidently missed the pocket in the bank and the bills had fallen down between the rain pants and my jeans. A dear friend of mine used this old expression “God takes care of fools and children” and then added that he was no longer a child. I now count myself among the non-child group.

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About Me

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I have twin sons with 2 children each. I will miss them when in India. I have been a job gypsy all my life looking for new challenges constantly. I got bored quickly except when teaching. 3 years as a Middle School Music Teacher and 9 years as an Assistant Professor of Music. I played in a Country Western Band when I went back to college at 39 to get a degree in Accounting. I was a CPA that worked in various companies, the longest for 5 years and the shortest for 2 days. I spent most of my accounting life working as a Project Accountant where I would come in to solve a particular problem. I was rarely required to do a lot of the boring stuff for very long. With the passing of my wife and NO job to go to, I can now pursue my dreams in India.
